Monday 7 March 2011

meta4store is always free - trade 2 similies per meta4

Are your metaphors dry, sagging, or otherwise hurtin'? Maybe they're old, tired, ready to pass on to the great metaphorical metaphor graveyard in the sky? Even worse, perhaps your metaphors have crossed the line of human decency, and are headed straight towards the fiery abyss. The meta4store is your best friend, an angel in your moment of need. We (i.e. me) can assess your garbled literary pain and offer a range of empathetic solutions. Short on similes for our 2-for-1 trade deal? No sweat! We know how to milk meaning from extended metaphors so masterfully that we once fought all the way to the Supreme Court of Universal Appeals to help a client renew an expired poetic license. Metaphorically speaking, if you are already here right now, face it, things cannot get much worse.

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