Monday 7 March 2011

Change the Viral Info Metaphor to a Flower

The current metaphorical use of the term "viral" to describe info flow is weak and confusing, and better replaced with metaphors related to plant growth, especially a flowering plant. The metaphor would be stronger because it would include the same spread potential associated with social networking and fractalian models, plus it would include possibilites for extended metaphors to describe blossoming. The confusion of pathogenicity by word association would be gone, thus when real "disease" within the info flow existed, all plant disease metaphors would apply, and "virus" could be left to specifically hover closer to the meaning parameters associated with abbrerant infectious code, human or otherwise. Info flow is not inherently diseased, nor should it be made harder to discuss the role of computer viruses in the damage of such flow. The solution is to use a natural, organic growth system other than a disease, which is common to more people, e.g. flowers can be understood by more people than viruses.  If you are reading this and you are responsible for making everybody understand and implement this, we would sincerely appreciate the help.

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